Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Welcome to my blog! 

I am so happy that you are here. This blog is separate from my daily ramblings of what is going on with me and my family and focuses more on my creative side. 

I love art! I love fashion! I love makeup! I love shopping! I love GREAT deals! 

Somewhere along the journey of life I was told that being a starving artist was no way to live and so I gave up my dreams and my passions. So here I am, married, three kids, three degree changes and no degree in hand, but an Associates in Business Administration just in reach and I've rekindled my love.

This blog will mainly be my reviews of the different beauty brands I receive on a monthly basis and from my own personal collection. Monthly? You ask! Yes! Stay tuned and I'll show you how and what I do.

Much Love,

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